What We Really Want: Conversations About Connection

32 | Blake Roberts: It's the Three Percent

Greg Oliver Episode 32

"Send us a message! (questions, feedback, etc.)"

It can be terrifying to give another person full access to what we're thinking, feeling, believing, and struggling with. That's why almost no one does it. Even at our most vulnerable, most of us still withhold maybe 3% of what we really need to share.

This is the foundation of a new company/community launching this week. The Three Percent Co. was founded by Jamie Haigh and today's guest, Blake Roberts. Jamie and Blake are therapists in Nashville who met in the rooms of recovery. They developed a friendship in which they grew to trust each other enough to admit when they were withholding and needed to share "the three percent."

The Three Percent Co. is a space for "pursuing holistic masculinity, growing your emotional awareness, and cultivating deeper relationships and an authentic faith.

In our conversation we talked about how men can experience the presence of God when we connect with our own bodies and through safe, trusted friendships. 

#BlakeRoberts #ThreePercentCo #JamieHaigh #friendship #therapy #counseling #recovery #sexaddiction #pornaddiction #sexualaddiction #awaken #awakenrecovery #awakenpodcast #whatwereallywant #wwrw #grace #connection #conversation

Three Percent Co. main site

Blake Roberts therapist site

The Man the Moment Demands on Amazon (Jason Wilson book Blake referenced)

Awaken website
Roots Retreat Men's Intensive
Roots Retreat Women's Workshop
Awaken Men & Women's support meeting info (including virtual)

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