What We Really Want: Conversations About Connection

20 | Sam Jolman: Sexuality Always Lives in a Story

Greg Oliver Episode 20

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There are times when you know you're hearing/reading/experiencing something very important. That's how I felt as I read through Sam Jolman's book The Sex Talk You Never Got: Reclaiming the Heart of Masculine Sexuality.

Men's sexual desire has been attacked, abused, neglected, and misunderstood for as long as it's existed. Men have been stereotyped as uncontrollable lust monsters who cannot control themselves. Purity culture and other harmful messages have made men feel guilty for being sexual creatures and for even having desire.

Men today are starved for sexual formation. They've been failed by parents, churches, and culture alike, leading to widespread shame, confusion, and brokenness in the area of sexuality. Sam's book helps men reconnect their God-given sexuality with innocence, awe, and joy, and shows readers how to celebrate - instead of struggle against - the gift of sexual desire.

In our conversation with Sam, we talk about how men can reclaim the gift of their sexuality with awe; how men who have misused their sexuality can take healthy ownership of the pain they've caused their partners, and so much more. Your sexuality always lives in a story, and the story God is writing is one that invites us to recover our innocence.

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Roots Retreat Men's Intensive
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