What We Really Want: Conversations About Connection

10 | Drew Boa: Calling Out the Treasure

Greg Oliver Episode 10

"Send us a message! (questions, feedback, etc.)"

Anyone who has interacted with Drew Boa knows he's a very special man. Drew loves people, and he has a gift for helping people realize how valuable they are. Some people's encouragement involves empty platitudes. Others give back-door advice disguised as encouragement. People who get to know Drew know he's paying attention - his words are thoughtful and specific.

Drew founded Husband Material, a community that helps men outgrow porn and become mature through podcasts, videos, community, courses, and coaching. For men seeking freedom from unhealthy & unwanted sexual behavior, Husband Material provides a safe place to tell your story, ask questions, request prayer, make new friends, learn how to heal, and celebrate progress.

When I was talking with Drew about how this episode's focus on connection was going to be encouragement, he told me he prefers to use the terms "affirmation" and "blessing." Before you dismiss this distinction as just semantics, listen and you'll see why the distinction is important. Our words have the power to build or tear down, and carefully chosen words of affirmation and blessing call out the glory of God in each person who is made in his image.

Check out Drew's links below, and PLEASE give us 5-stars and write a positive review wherever you get your podcasts!

Husband Material Community web site
Drew's personal web site

#DrewBoa #HusbandMaterial #outgrowporn #counseling #therapy #gospel #recovery #sexaddiction #pornaddiction #sexualaddiction #awaken #awakenrecovery #awakenpodcast #whatwereallywant #wwrw #grace #connection #conversation

Awaken website
Roots Retreat Men's Intensive
Roots Retreat Women's Workshop
Awaken Men & Women's support meeting info (including virtual)

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